Our Steel People make the difference 

Laura Metaal is your flexible partner for industry and trade. With our high-tech decoiling facilities, we can process coils into steel sheets. Accurate, in any desired size and with optimum flatness. Our continuous sheet pickling track is unique in Europe and can pickle steel sheets up to 30 mm thick. And our powerful straightening machine easily handles high-strength steel. 

Despite all this technology, however, it is our people – the Steel People – who truly make a difference. We are convinced of this. In a trade governed by extremes, they achieve balance every day, allowing us to offer you the best service. That is what makes our business so special. 

Our services 

From decoiling and pickling to packaging, Laura Metaal offers the full package.

The power of contradictions 

Our trade is governed by extremes. It is full of contradictions that complement each other in an unusual way. That makes each working day interesting as well as offering our customers many benefits. 


Tonnes versus millimetres 

The world needs steel every day. The volumes are vast. We therefore tend to think big: in tonnes. But that doesn't mean that we don't pay attention to the smallest details. After all, you also need to be accurate down to the last millimetre in this business. A small deviation in your product could have major consequences. This calls for accuracy and craftsmanship. Our people live and breathe these values and as an accredited training company, this is something that we also instil in future talent. 

“ We think big, without losing our attention to detail.

Steel-hard versus flexible 

Steel is hard. So are the quality requirements that we implement. Laura Metaal always strives to deliver a perfect final product. We achieve this thanks to our highly qualified employees, the best machinery and our methods based on the NEN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard. But steel is also flexible. Just like our committed team. Anything is possible, within the specified terms and conditions. As your external production team, we go the extra mile to make a difference. 


Bulk versus customization

The scale of our operations might suggest that we produce bulk work. Nothing is further from the truth. Each project is different. We process orders that each have a unique mix of size, thickness, delivery deadlines, applications, finishing, etc. All based on your wishes. In other words, custom work. Besides our advanced machinery, the undivided attention of our people also plays a major role. 

“ Each order is different, making custom work our speciality.

Service versus top sport

One person straightens something that was curved. The other is a wizard with the scheduling. Each individual adds value to the process in their own way. As Steel People, we meet your expectations, so that you can meet your customer’s expectations. Laura Metaal is a company that has service running through its veins. We want to excel in the service that we provide to our customers. That starts with understanding as clearly as possible what you need from us. We relish this challenge! 


Easy versus difficult 

We guarantee each customer premium quality and 100% reliability. Our employees always choose the best way, not the easiest way. We travel this road together: there is a strong focus on collaboration. We invest heavily in strong relationships. With each other and with you. As a result, the customer, front office and production team form a close-knit team. This is how we take something that initially appears difficult and make it look easy. And you can reap the benefits of this. 

“ We like to use the power of togetherness.